Welcome to the Ocean's Edge

A woman listens at the Ocean's Edge,
hearing untold secrets
Carried on the waves of time.

Haiku by Storm Cat

You may ask yourself, "Who is this woman Ocean's Edge?" The answer is as deep and as wide as the ocean itself. But here, amongst these pages we will journey into the world of the ocean. Explore a small part of it. Know a fragment of it. See the wonders it has to offer, but never fully understand it.

This will be an exploration of the senses. Of sight, of sound, of taste, and it will even challenge you to touch and smell. It will ask you to reach beyond the literal world around you and stretch into the realms of dreams, of the soul, the place where magic lives.

It is my fervent hope that each person will find something of themselves in these pages. And in knowing themselves, they will know me. As you look into the depths of the waters, look also into yourself. But maybe too they will find something new, something that excites them, that opens a new door in themselves.

Arrogant? Perhaps. But, each of us is a multifaceted gem, none quite like any other. I only hope that one side of what makes me unique touches one side of what makes someone else unique. If we connect it together this way, each of us in our own unique facets, connecting to one facet of another, eventually.... we are all connected in our uniqueness.

So I invite you into the boat, and we'll sail away on the seas. And who knows what we may find.

Join me intrepid adventurer!!

Enter the Waters

Along The Ocean Shores

We've been married for: 23 July 2006 15:00:00 UTC-0400
James moves to Canada: 19 Dec 2007 17:00:00 UTC-0500


Our handsome groom Vicky Fraser and James Baker Our beautiful bride

The Wedding Page

Talk to the Ocean - oceans @ oceans-edge . com